For more information on how to analyse this field, see this page: How to post-process multiphase results 1.4 Artificial particle tracking in ParaView The field is usually named alpha or alpha1. OpenFOAM handles multiphase simulations with multiphase flow solver through using a single field that represents the phase present at a certain cell, face or vertex. Two possibilites to do this are described on How To Postprocess Multiple Regions 1.3 Post-processing multiphase results Remark: Should work as of OpenFOAM-1.6 and ParaView 3.6.1.ġ.2 Postprocessing of simulations on multiple mesh-regions To visualize the particle, use the Glyph filter (cf. OpenFOAM case reader, showing which fields to select. In Lagragian Fields select the fields you are interested in.Įxample from ParaView using the.In Mesh Parts the lagrangian clouds (be sure that only lagrangian geometries are selected),.So you can load again the data of the case. You select the case.OpenFOAM file created by paraFoam. Then you click on the Open button (or File -> Open in the menu). If you cannot see your particles, check that indeed you have represented them as glyphs and that the size scaling you have chosen is adequately large.įirst you execute paraFoam as usual but you select only in the data to be load the fields and the mesh of the continuous phase. The glyphs used to represent particles can be colored and sized to reflect the data associated with the particle. Usually, the sphere glyph is the most appropriate. Glyphs are how ParaView represents point data. Read the Lagrangian data separately and 'Glyph' it.Read in your Eulerian data, if you wish.As with all OpenFOAM programs, it requires at a minimum, the root and case paths. Run the foamToVTK post-processing utility.However, if for some reason you cannot open the OpenFOAM case directly in ParaView, the workaround is to use foamToVTK and ParaView's existing ability to handle point data. With the latest OpenFOAM and ParaView versions, it's possible to post-process Lagrangian data directly in ParaView. the tips page Tip Paraview for Lagrangian Data.the tutorial page HowTo Post-process results for particle based methods.The following subsections describe the basics on how to post-process by Using foamToVTK and by Using paraFoam. 1.9 Using the internal reader in ParaView cannot load unknown boundary conditions?ġ.1 Postprocessing of Lagrangian particles.1.8 I'm using Ubuntu, where is the main menu in ParaView?.1.7 Post-processing sub-domains (parallel/decomposed cases) in ParaView.

1.4 Artificial particle tracking in ParaView.