Je cherche l’hôtel/l’hôpital/la banque: I am searching for the hotel/hospital/bank.Où est la plage/le centre-ville?: Where is the beach/city center?.Je cherche le métro/le gare/l’aéroport: I am searching for the metro/train station/airport.Où est un bon restaurant/un bon café?: Where is a good restaurant/cafe?.Où sont les toilettes?: Where are the toilets?.Répétez, s’il vous plaî t: Repeat, please.Parlez lentement, s’il vous plaît: Speak slowly, please.Je ne comprends pas: I do not understand.Here are some specific phrases that might be useful if you need to get information in French-speaking areas. We’ve looked at some common everyday words and phrases. Comment allez-vous?: How are you doing?.Parlez-vous anglais?: Do you speak English?.Comment vous appelez-vous?: What is your name?.
These will be helpful to know as you start forming full sentences, particularly if you plan to travel and talk with native French speakers. Now that we’ve looked at some common French words, let’s learn some frequent phrases. Mademoiselle: Miss, referring to an unmarried woman.Je vous en prie: a formal way to say “you’re welcome”.De rien: a casual way of saying “you’re welcome”.S’il vous plaît: please (literally, “if you please”).Bonjour: a general greeting meaning “hello” or “good morning”.Let’s dive right in with some of the most common French words and phrases. It’s kind of like learning the words to your new favorite song!.Spaced out over time, so you absorb your new language organically.Presented in a natural, everyday context.It teaches you useful words and phrases.Psst! Did you know we have a language learning app?